The method I use to make visible progress in my life in 3 easy steps.

A method which can be applied to any area of your life

Louie J.
5 min readFeb 6, 2021
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

I started my self-development journey almost a year ago. Ever since I started I’ve come up against resistance, whether this is in the form of mental blocks, not feeling as if I have enough time, some times even feeling as if I am not making progress in areas where I want to make a difference. This all changed about a week ago when I came across a method I’ll call ‘The 3 step, Plan and Complete Method’. I came across a podcast which inspired this method.

The method

I will save you all the hassle of reading through a long article to get what you clicked for and just cut to the chase so that you, and anyone you want to tell about this method can get on with making as much progress as you can, easily, within a short amount of time. The most effective and efficient way of making progress within your task, habits and work is… Planning.

You’ve probably heard of this before, but hear me out. This method will save you time and energy as well as help with making progress in a short amount of time. It can also be used for any aspect of your life.

“An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan” — Warren Buffett

The plan

The way that planning can help you is if you have a task, work, a habit you are trying to implement or hobbies you are trying to make improvements and progress on is that it can tell you what you need to do and when. This helps when you feel like you aren’t making progress or don’t have enough time on your hands to make progress. By using this method you know exactly what has to be done, when you have to do it and for some task, even for how long. The exact 3 step method that I use is:

1. Get a note pad or go on to the notes on your phone and write out the task that you have to complete.

2. Under each task write out what you would like to complete for the task and for when. (If the task can be timed such as cleaning or a workout then put how long you would like to do it for).

3. Execute, get the task done.

To show how easy this is I will provide you with a few examples. Maybe you have an article or an assignment to get done for work or school and feel overwhelmed about getting it done. What you would do is write out the task you need to do 1. Complete Article X or Assignment Y, 2. Write 2 paragraphs on X date and 3. Complete the task, at the time you have set the task out for and do what you have set out to do.

This kind of method can even be used for the gym, homework, video games, chores around the house, errands etc. literally anything.

The reason why this method is so effective is due to you setting out what you must do. You don’t waste time wondering what has to be done. When using this method, you can then break the task down into small parts as well; saying you will get one part done maybe Monday, the second part on Tuesday and finish it on Wednesday. Due to a date also being set you are also more likely to hold yourself accountable as you have already set the time aside to do the task. You can even go into more depth with the method and add a specific time for you want to get the task done.

I started this method about a week ago, and already I have made more progress in my habits and task then I have done in the past month before I started.

I have been using the method for my work, reading, exercising, learning languages and much more.

The benefits

Although the method is only quick and simple, it is highly effective. The benefits I noticed are as followed:

  • Increased productivity.
  • Increased efficiency.
  • Organisation.
  • Time saved while doing the task.
  • Less time wasted between task.
  • A sense of accomplishment.

Even if you think this method will not help you I would recommend that you at least try it. What’s the worst that could happen?

If you found this article helpful, then please share it with others. It may help them and everyone can use help sometimes.

“When you help someone, you help everyone.” — Aunt May

Don’t give up on trying to better yourself. Everybody has to start somewhere…

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you found it helpful and think it could help someone else, then please share it with them. I’m an independent writer, writing mainly on self-development. I occasionally write on personal experiences, interest, business, criminology, books and places.
If you are looking for a way to try and better yourself, then please feel free to read some of my other articles linked below as you may also benefit from and enjoy them. Thank you again, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to follow and 👏🏽👏🏽

I’ve been doing self-development for over a year now and wanted to share what I have learned with people so that if they want to improve their wellbeing, life and productivity, they can do so. I will be posting articles on what I have learned and what has helped me out best and be recommending you resources along the way so that you can take a look yourself and see if you find anything that helps you.


The podcast that inspired this ^^^

My other articles:



Louie J.

Independent writer. Sharing my experiences on my journey with Self-development to help you with yours. Follow to learn, let's go!