How I started reading daily.

How I started and how you can too.

Louie J.
5 min readMar 19, 2021
Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

Reading is a habit that can take some people weeks, even months to get into.

I almost spent an unnecessary amount of time getting into reading, however, there was a way I was able to incorporate reading into my life almost instantly. A way that got me reading daily and that could do the same for you.

The method

The simple method I used to build up a daily reading habit was, by reading one page a day.

Sounds too easy right? It almost sounds unappealing. Why would you only want to read JUST one page a day? Don’t worry, you won’t only read one page a day, but that is where you’ll have to start.

The back story

The way that I found out I was going to have to read one page a day took me many tries to find out, but when I did, it allowed me to progress through books fast and get to reading as much as I wanted in a day.

About a year and a half ago when I started getting into self-development I wanted to read more to try and gain as much information as possible. I was looking at buying books on sleep, habits, routines, etc.

When I was buying books I thought, I use to read years ago when I was younger, so it couldn’t be that hard, so when the books arrived, I decided to go for it. However, when I started out reading, I just couldn’t seem to get into it. It seemed hard to do like I was facing some sort of mental block.

Even though I use to read all the time when I was a kid, it was just something that I could seem to get into even though I wanted to. I didn’t know why at first, but after a few tries I realised why it seemed hard, I couldn’t stay focused on the book.

Focus never seemed to be a problem in any other area of my life so I thought maybe it was the book, maybe it was too boring? so I tried another book, but I still had the same problem.

After swapping books I realised that it wasn’t the book, it was reading in general. I spent so many years not doing any proper reading that it was now a challenge to do. When I tried doing it for a set period my mind would wander or try to find a distraction.

I had a goal in mind of reading a chapter a day, but after this realisation, I knew I wasn’t going to achieve it, not right now anyway. A chapter a day would have to be something I worked towards.

The plan

I decided I was going to break up the task up. Do it in smaller parts. Break it up into something which was achievable and where my focus was less likely to wonder. So, I started reading just one page a day. Small I know, but a start.

When I started reading one page a day didn’t feel like enough at first, but it was manageable. My focus wouldn’t veer, I wouldn’t feel demotivated, and concentration would be by my side to help.

When reading one page a day, I wouldn’t have such a high expectation and get disappointed if I didn’t meet them. Once I started this, I kept it up, it was achievable no matter what was going on in my day.

When looking at the bigger picture I realised that I didn’t have to read the whole book, I only had to read one page and eventually, I would get to one chapter, then one book.

The next step

After a few days of reading one page, I stepped it up to two pages, then three and so on. I was then able to build up to a chapter a day and completed the book.

This was the next step, the way that I developed my reading habit once I started it.

  1. Read one page.

2. Get comfortable.

3. Read two pages.

4. Get comfortable.

You then use this method and build up to the amount that you would like to read a day. If you build it up too much and don’t feel like you can maintain the habit, take a step down to get comfortable again. It’s better to slow down than to stop.

“It’s better to slow down than to stop”

The benefits

Once I started this reading habit, I noticed a few benefits, some of which could be used in other aspects of my life. The benefits were as followed:

· My reading speed increased.

· The amount of daily reading increased.

· Reading was easier to do.

· My focus and concentration increased.

I would not have obtained these benefits had I not started small on a single page. After breaking the task up I was able to get to a reading level that didn’t seem possible before.

I went from reading no books in years to reading over 10 books a year and countless articles/blogs too.

The takeaway

The best way to start reading regularly is with one page a day. Then build up from there.

· Read one page.

· Get comfortable.

· Build.

It doesn’t matter where or when you start, as long as you start. It’s just a process of building up focus and concentration.

“Once you start, the rest will follow.”

Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you found it helpful and think it could help someone else, then please share it with them.

I’m an independent writer, writing mainly on self-development. I occasionally write on personal experiences, interest, business, criminology, books and places. If you are looking for a way to try and better yourself, then please feel free to read some of my other articles linked below as you may also benefit from and enjoy them.

Thank you again, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to follow and 👏🏽👏🏽

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Louie J.

Independent writer. Sharing my experiences on my journey with Self-development to help you with yours. Follow to learn, let's go!